When setting up your plan, you will need to make a few decisions so that it meets your needs. You need to:
Select how much cover you would like
When selecting your cover, you should think about your current income and also the income you will receive when you are claiming.
If you make a claim, we will calculate your maximum benefit payments based on your income at the time. If the total amount you receive from all sources exceeds our limits, we will adjust your benefit payments accordingly. For more information, please see ‘What benefit payments can I receive?’.
The combined maximum initial cover you can have under this and our other protection only plans cannot be more than £93,600 a year, or £7,800 a month.
Select the waiting period for your claim
The waiting period for your claim, also called the deferred period, is how long after you stop working, because of an illness or injury, before your benefit payments start. You can choose from 54 waiting periods, ranging from no waiting period to 52 weeks, as well as 104 weeks. You should select a waiting period which takes into account the changes in the income from your occupation after you stop working because of an illness or injury.
Select the age when your cover stops
Your plan and your entitlement to benefits will automatically end when all your covers end, which will normally be on your 65th birthday. However, you can choose any age between 55 and 65, if it better suits your needs. If your long term career plans change after your plan has started, you can reduce the age when your cover stops by giving us advance notice.
Select if you would like your premium rate to remain the same regardless of your age
If you select this option, your premium rate will not normally increase with your age. However, all the premiums for this plan are reviewable. This means that we can change your premiums every January because of changes in our claims costs or business expenses. If we review our premium rates, we will give you at least 60 days advanced notice of any changes.
If the premium rates increase, you can choose to pay the increased premiums or keep your monthly premiums the same by reducing your cover or your participation units.
Decide how your benefits are paid on long term claims
This plan has three options for you to choose from.
Stepped decreasing benefit payments
This option is not offered on our online service and is only available for cover with no waiting period. If you require this option, please contact our Member Services Team.
If you select this option, then your benefit payments will be made at the full rate for the first six months of your claim, decreasing to half your initial rate for the next six months and then to 30% of the initial rate for the remainder of your claim.
Constant benefit payments
If you select this option, your benefit payments will be made at the same rate throughout your claim.
Benefit payments that increase with inflation
If you choose this option, your benefit payments will increase in line with the UK consumer price index every January. These automatic increases will begin in the January after you have received benefit payments for 12 months. We will not increase your benefits by more than 5% in any year and 150% overall.
Select the optional features for your cover
The optional features help you customise your cover further. These are:
Inflation protecting your cover
If you choose this option, your cover will increase in line with the UK consumer price index every January. These automatic increases will begin in the January after you have held your cover for 12 months. We will not increase your cover by more than 5% in any year and 150% overall.
Option to increase your cover in the future without medical assessment
This option lets you increase your cover by up to 30% of the initial amount, without any medical assessment after you have had the cover and paid your premiums for six years. Please refer to the plan terms and conditions for further information.
Additional benefits in case of a severe illness or injury
If you choose this option and you have an illness or injury that leaves you unable to carry out at least three out of our six activities of day to day living, we will increase your monthly benefit payments by 20% of the monthly amount payable at the start of your claim, after you have received benefit payments for two years.
Extra benefits for terminal conditions
Under this option, if the condition you are claiming for is terminal and you die before your plan ends, then we will increase your final benefit payment by an amount equivalent to six months’ regular benefit payments.
Extra benefits for terminal conditions
Under this option, if the condition you are claiming for is terminal and you die before your plan ends, then we will increase your final benefit payment by an amount equivalent to six months’ regular benefit payments.
Minimum benefit assurance
If your income changes after the start of your cover and we cannot pay your claim in full, this option ensures that the total amounts you receive from us and other third parties will not fall below a predetermined level. Please refer to the plan terms and conditions for further information.
Hospitalisation benefit
If you select this option and you are admitted to hospital during your waiting period, we will pay you the lower of 1/30th of your monthly cover or £100 for every night’s stay after your first seven consecutive nights stay. We will continue to pay you this benefit until the earliest of the end of your stay, the end of your waiting period or we have paid the benefit for 90 nights stay. This benefit is only available if your cover has a waiting period of three weeks or more.
Select how much you would like to pay towards your participation units
Every year we return part of our financial surpluses to members as bonuses, which are held in their bonus accounts. These bonuses build up a cash fund, available for when the plan ends. Participation units give you the right to share in these surpluses and the number of participation units you have determines how much of our financial surplus is allocated to you.
You can decide how much you want to pay towards your participation units. The maximum amount depends on the number of participation units you are entitled to have, which is calculated as the value of your monthly cover divided by 10. You must hold at least 1 participation unit with each plan.
The premium for your participation units does not normally change with your age and you can alter the number of units you have, within the above limits, at any time.